Mixamo Animation Retargeting

Have you checked about the problem Alexarg is having?

Oh wow, this is fantastic, take my $35 right now! Still annoys me how Mixamo just ditched UE4 support (thanks Adobe!) so thank you for stepping in and sorting this out for everyone :slight_smile:


You are welcome :slight_smile:

We discussed privately the issue few weeks ago with Alexarg. His workflow uses a lot of different tools (DAZ3D character, Mixamo Autorigger, our plugin, UE4 animation retargeting) so itā€™s very complicated to track down where the problem is. He did a test with a Fuse character and the result was improved, so the problem seems in the stage ā€œDAZ3D -> Mixamo Autoriggerā€ (it seems a problem with vertex skinning). If others have experience/information to share, they are welcomed.

Thanks, looking forward to the plugin on marketplace!

Hi, there is no problem with the DAZ ā€œvariableā€ there. There is a problem with the mixamo auto rig when no fuse characters are used.
A non fuse non DAZ custom char:

This become a problem when Mixamo auto rig is in your wrokflow, because the mixamo site (i think) is no getting maintenance and updates

The animation must be very exaggerated for truly see the problem in the Mixamo site with mixamo animations.
In UE4 the problem seems more noticeable after the retarget, probably due the default mannequin shoulder position, which is a little hight I think.
But I am not an artist so I donā€™t know what could be wrong.
Great to hear the pack was approved by EPIC

Thanks for the follow-up! I think Mixamo dropped some features (as UE4 export!) just to be able to continue supporting the core tools, so I suggest to report the issue in their forum.

Great Product, I bought it and I see that my new mixamo characterā€™s skeleton is now like the ue4 oneā€¦ I do have an isssue though, I want to use the new mixamo Mesh i created with the old animations from mixamo (which have all the proper root bone and ue4 compatibility there already)ā€¦ i canā€™t seem to make the new mesh use the old skeletonā€™s animation bpā€¦ i have done this for other characters to all use one skeleton and animations but they were all from the same period when mixamo still had compatibility for ue4ā€¦ could the problem be because this doesnt change the name of the retargetted skeletonā€™s bones to the ue4 default bone names???

Hi! The plugin allows you to do ā€œAnimation Retargetingā€ (see Animation Retargeting in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation, Using Retargeted Animations in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation, https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Animation/RetargetingDifferentSkeletons/) of Mixamo assets to Unreal Engine 4 ones, i.e. it allows you to share animations between Mixamo and UE4 characters. It doesnā€™t change bone names or other stuff (they are not needed for Animation Retargeting) and doesnā€™t help to share animations between different Mixamo characters (only Mixamo <-> UE4). Your original animations on the retargeted character will not be affected and will continue to work as before. After the retargeting, you must use the standard UE4 pipeline to work with the retargeted assets (see links before).

I suspect the problem is ā€œbeforeā€ using our plugin (our plugin will allow you to apply UE4 animations to your new Mixamo character for example - or apply Mixamo animations to your UE4 characters). Does your new Mixamo character (without modifying it with our plugin) works with your old animations?

no it doesnt work with the old animations (since they have root bone - they are the old mixamo ue4 .fbx format not the new standard .fbx)

and the new mixamo character is the new .fbx formatā€¦ do you know of any tutorial to be able to use the ue4 skeleton with a new mixamo character because thats what i needā€¦

If they changed the skeleton, I think the only solution is to manually retarget the old skeleton to the new one. If they didnā€™t changed the bones hierarchy it should be a simple task (the linked documentation has several how-tos).

Wellā€¦ with our plugin! :slight_smile: If you want to make your new Mixamo character compatible with the standard UE4 skeleton, you can use our plugin. Itā€™s just a click on the Mixamo skeleton, then youā€™ll be able to retarget their animations. Check the video at the beginning of this thread to better understand what the plugin does: v=OSaYNLdrYck .

Hi everyone!

Finally we have a release date: ā€¦ tomorrow! :slight_smile: On May 25th the plugin will officially land in the Epic Marketplace.

If someone will spot it, please drop a line so that we could update the official links.

Great! I will be picking this up on the marketplace tomorrow.

Hi! While waiting for the official release in the next hours, we made available to the Gumroad marketplace the pre-built binaries for UE4.16.

Or for perfect animation retargeting for Mixamo animations, you can export the UE4 mannequin to the Mixamo website, and download it in the Mixamo T-Pose, import it to UE4, and set that as the base pose for retargeting. This way not only will all the animations work with the UE4 skeleton to begin with, but you could use this 5 minute process to universally set all humanoid skeletons to have the Mixamo t-pose as the base animation retargeting pose. No tweaking necessary.


sure: if you donā€™t need to share existing UE4 animations, you can simply work on a Mixamo-only pipeline. But this is not animation retargeting (as intended by UE4), you are working on different assets. This plugin instead helps when you need animation retargeting as intended by UE4: if you need to re-use existing Mixamo animations on an existing UE4 skeleton or if you need to re-use existing UE4 animations on an existing Mixamo skeleton. Simply that :slight_smile:

The method I described will work on anything. I can upload: UE4 mannequin (pre 4.8 as well as the current one), a fuse model, a makehuman model, the character models from couch nights, and a couple of mixamo characters that do not have the UE4 skeleton, and upload them all to Mixamo. Then I download them with Mixamoā€™s t-pose. I import the t-pose animation for the models into UE4 and assign them to the skeleton in the project (if they are already in them). Set their base retarget pose as the Mixamo t-pose. Once they all have the exact same pose, I can use any UE4 animation, or any couch night animation on any of the other characters. Because now they all have the exact same base retargeting pose.

Hi everyone,

finally itā€™s official: the plugin is now available in the Marketplace! Here the URL: Mixamo Animation Retargeting in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

Oh man! Sending money your way today! Thank you!