Mixamo Animation Retargeting V2 - for Unreal Engine 5 and MetaHuman

FAB MARKETPLACE: https://www.fab.com/listings/5eaf2746-1891-435a-837c-67c9f7a847f4

Discord: https://discord.gg/PuAyhDctHp

Documentation: https://unamedia.com/ue5-mixamo/docs/

Changelog: https://docs.unamedia.com/ue5-mixamo/changelog

Usually we publish about new releases also in this thread.

UE5 Mixamo Animation Retargeting 2 is an editor plugin that helps integrating Mixamo assets (exported from Auto-Rigger, 3D Characters, 3D Animations) into Unreal Engine 5.

With a few clicks, it allows you to use any Mixamo animation with any UE5 character, and use any UE5 animation with any Mixamo character. In addition, it makes possible to use Root Motion animations on Mixamo characters and create Root Motion animations from Mixamo In-Place animations.





Its core feature is a precise analytical method to compute the Retarget Pose needed by Unreal Engine 5 to manage Mixamo assets. The plugin automatically creates all the required assets and configurations needed by the UE5 IK Rig and IK Retargeter systems of Unreal Engine 5 (an engine feature that allows animations to be reused between characters using different Skeleton assets).

The plugin implements several advanced functionalities to obtain the best results in an automated way:

  • automatic configuration of all the setups required by the UE5 IK Rig and IK Retargeter systems;
  • the Retarget Pose is computed analytically, obtaining an exact and perfect match of the skeletons used by UE5 for the retargeting of the animations;
  • a Root Bone is added to the Mixamo skeleton (and to all the related skeletal meshes and animations), allowing the use of Root Motion animations with it;
  • convert Mixamo animations to UE5 Root Motion Animations (NOTE: both the normal and in-place Mixamo animations are required, check the documentation).

Note : this product is not made by, or affiliated with, Mixamo or Adobe Systems in any way.

Fab MARKETPLACE: https://www.fab.com/listings/5eaf2746-1891-435a-837c-67c9f7a847f4

How to run the tool

To run the tool:

  • select a Mixamo skeleton asset and execute the “Retarget Mixamo Skeleton Asset” contextual action.

Then you are ready to retarget all the needed animations (open the created IK Retargeter asset and use the export option on the desired animations).

The plugin creates optimal Retarget Poses for all the Skeletal Meshes sharing the same Skeleton. If you set a specific Target Preview Mesh in the IK Retargeter editor, to obtain the best results ensure to select the corresponding Retarget Pose before retargeting the animations.

Note that some retargeted animation could require some simple manual adjustment inside the Editor. Please check the documentation for details.

The tool also supports batch processing.

FAB MARKETPLACE: https://www.fab.com/listings/5eaf2746-1891-435a-837c-67c9f7a847f4

Supported skeletons

The plugin supports:

  • all the skeletons from Mixamo (including the various LODs and custom characters rigged with the Mixamo Auto-Rigger service);
  • the classic UE4 Mannequin skeleton;
  • the new UE5 Mannequin skeleton (Manny, Quinn);
  • the MetaHuman skeleton.

FAB MARKETPLACE: https://www.fab.com/listings/5eaf2746-1891-435a-837c-67c9f7a847f4

Unreal Engine 4

If you’re looking for a version of the plugin compatible with Unreal Engine 4, please check the Version 1: https://www.fab.com/listings/e23d0506-a45c-46cf-bac0-60a8e83a7ecc

FAB MARKETPLACE: https://www.fab.com/listings/5eaf2746-1891-435a-837c-67c9f7a847f4

FAB MARKETPLACE: https://www.fab.com/listings/5eaf2746-1891-435a-837c-67c9f7a847f4

Discord: https://discord.gg/PuAyhDctHp


awesome. I’ve tried myself setting up the IK Rig but having some difficulty with the fingers, looking forward to this!

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wondering if you run into the problem where the animation looks good in the IK Retargeter, but once exporting and playing back the retargeted asset, some limbs rotate 180 and disappear?

it’s a confusing bug to solve since the preview retarget always looks fine.


Thanks :slight_smile: Hands and fingers are the most complex ones, since all errors accumulate. The current result with the plugin is very good, for example:

but for the next update we’ll improve it further (we’re already testing internally a small improvement, and a potentially bigger one is under analysis).

About the issue with the “Export option”, we never encountered it. With all the tests we did internally with the plugin, it always worked as expected.

I see, good to know and thanks for your reply. looking forward to checking out the plugin!

The plugin is now available: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/mixamo-animation-retargeting-2

Hope you’ll enjoy it! Here the video tutorial on how to use it:

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A work-in-progress of direct support for the UE5 Mannequin and MetaHuman skeletons:


We’re fixing some bugs and polishing it, and in a few weeks the new feature will be available as a free update.

Direct support for the UE5 Mannequin and MetaHuman skeletons!

Hi! We’re very happy to announce that v2.1.0 is now available, and it introduces direct support for the UE5 Mannequin and MetaHuman skeletons.

The new feature is available with the exact same workflow as before. The selection dialog now allows to select also the new skeleton types as retarget sources . For those already working with the new skeletons, now there’s no more need to use the UE4 Mannequin as an intermediate target.

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Hotfix v2.1.1

Hi! We released the hotfix v2.1.1 that solves a crash when retargeting a MetaHuman skeleton having an unexpected Preview Mesh.

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An example of retargeting of a Mixamo animation with a complex neck rotation to MetaHuman:


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Today we published a new tutorial on how to solve the FBX Import Error when importing a new Mixamo animation:

FBXImport: Error: Mesh contains root bone as root but animation doesn't contain the root track.
Import failed.

For more details, you can also read the detailed steps in the official documentation: https://www.unamedia.com/ue5-mixamo/docs/fix-fbx-import-error/

Improving the Retargeting Pose

When using the Mixamo Animation Retargeting 2 plugin for Unreal Engine 5, some models could exhibit defects (e.g. to the shoulders) that you could easily improve adjusting the Retargeting Pose. Here a video tutorial on how to quickly improve it.

Text documentation: https://www.unamedia.com/ue5-mixamo/docs/improve-retargeting-results/

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New Trailer

We’re happy to share the new plugin trailer, showcasing the updated workflow for Unreal Engine 5 and support for MetaHuman!

YouTube creator alerender is released some great tutorial videos (in Spanish) on how to use Mixamo Animation Retargeting 2 in Unreal Engine 5. The videos are covering the complete workflow followed, and they can be very helpful also if you don’t speak Spanish.

In the first video, alerender introduces the Mixamo Animation Retargeting 2 plugin, showing how to use it on all the supported skeleton types (included MetaHuman):

In this new video (in Spanish), alerender shows in detail how to use the Mixamo Animation Retargeting 2 plugin with Character Creator 3 in Unreal Engine 5.

Hello everyone! A quick update: on Wednesday we submitted the update to Epic for UE5.1. It will be available soon, when Epic will review and approve it.

While waiting for the UE5.1 update to be approved by Epic, we added a new article to our Knowledge Base on how to fix characters imported with a wrong rotation:


Mixamo Animation Retargeting 2 is now available also for UE5.1 in the UE Marketplace!

You can update it from the Epic Games Launcher (restart it if the update is not listed).

I bought the mixamo retargeting today, it’s easy to use and work almost as expected, but I have a bug where the right leg of my characters goes too far away on the right.
I have tried the fixes proposed on the plugin documentation page but didn’t succeed, can you help please?
Bugged Mixamo Animation

Hi! It seems we’re already discussing this on our Discord server (https://discord.gg/PuAyhDctHp). If this is a different request, let me know! :slight_smile: