Missing shader files in git repo

It seems that Engine/Shaders/Public directory is missing in Epic’s UE4 GitHub repository, so there are no *.ush files to be found anywhere. I checked both 4.17 and master branches. Apparently ush files are downloaded by GitDependencies.exe, even though they are source files. So right now there are no diffs visible for them.

Hi Dishwasher,

Thank you for pointing this out. In 4.17, some of the .usf files were changed to .ush files, but the .gitignore file was not updated to take that change into consideration. The .gitignore file for the 4.17 and Master branches has now been updated so that it will no longer exclude the .ush files.

Seems some files still missing.


That causes Engine to crash.

Exception thrown at 0x00007FFB576FE1CB (UE4Editor-ShaderFormatVectorVM.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0000000000000000.

They’re also missing from Rocket build distribution.

Seems those files are procedurally generated from the graph. My bad.
Issue somewhere else.