Hi , I suddenly find my interior got a pointed bad lighting , although i used Lightmass Importance and Lighting portals, and high light map resolutions ,
i need help with that looking
Thank You
If you’re using an HDRI in the scene can cause this!
I don’t know which lightmass you’re using (CPU/GPU) but setting a higher amount of samples could help, but usually you’ll need to find another HDRI…
If CPU lightmass you can try to go higher with your ILLQ…
If GPU you can try to adjust firefly clamping…
Also if you’re using a glass material which is not set up correctly can cause this!
I’m using GPU light mass and i changed my HDRI and still the same problem , how can i adjust the firfly ?!
…depends on the version but in the baselightmass.ini
…maybe you should read the full documentation…
I use 4.22 GPU Lightmass , and i didn’t find anything about it in the documentation
Here’s a few things to check / attempt:
- Enable this in the console, r.RayTracing.GlobalIllumination.EvalSkylight
- r.RayTracing.GlobalIllumination.ScreenPercentage (increase it to 100-200)
- r.RayTracing.GlobalIllumination.SamplesPerPixel (it’s a default of 4, so increase or decrease to see if it fixes)
- In the doc page for Real-Time RT, there’s a number of things to check including what I referenced above, starting at Evaluating Denoiser Quality:
~ the link: Real-Time Ray Tracing | Unreal Engine Documentation