Hi all,
I want to implement a simple visual effect for my game: mirroring the rendered image on my viewport along the x axis (basically switching left and right side). Using lowlevel APIs this is as easy to do as flipping a couple signs in the projection matrix.
However it looks like this engine hides this implementation detail very deep within its Viewport/LocalPlayer classes. Camera settings that i have available from the editor/blueprints don’t seem to provide anything that could be helpful.
Any tips on how i can implement this in best way possible(if I have to write my own classes in C++ i don’t care, i come from programming/OpenGL background, i just am not knowledgeable enough in the inner workings of the engine itself, some directions on where i may start would be useful, thank you)
My current theory is: subclass ULocalPlayer and override its CalcSceneView(…) function, only i don’t know yet how to force the engine to use objects of the new class.
If there is a better approach i would like to hear it.