Hi! When building my light i get weird shadows. My level is made out of Static Meshes. These static meshes have a Light map resoultion from 4. I use the standart point lights with a static mobility.
If you mean that your lightmap resolution is 4 pixels, that’s not enough to capture the light data when building lights. Try increasing the “Min Lightmap Resolution” of your meshes in the static mesh editor to something like 32 or 64 and see if that helps. Don’t forget to build lighting again afterwards.
Can you show us the uv layout your using for lightmaps?
I can see some problems with the wall. But this dosent explain the lighting for the floor
It looks like these are from you’re UV channel 0. By default Unreal creates a second UV channel when you import a model and unwraps it for lightmaping purposes. You can also create your own. Either way that means your lightmaps would be in your UV channel 1. If you checked off the import setting called “Generate Lightmap” when you imported these models then Unreal would use channel 0 for lightmaps. If that is the case you shouldn’t have any UV’s overlapping or going out of the 0 to 1 space.
Can you tell me what you’re “Light Map Coordinate Index” is set to in the static mesh editor for these models?
If “Light Map Coordinate Index” is set to anything other than 0, then use the drop down list at the top that says “UV Channel 0” to select the UV channel “Light Map Coordinate Index” is set to and retake those screenshots of the UVs.
If your having trouble finding the “Light Map Coordinate Index” it is in the “Static Mesh Settings” section of the Static Mesh Editor, but you have to click the arrow to expand all the options.
One last thing. I was speaking from memory before and now that I’m looking at unreal I see that I missspoke earlier. Instead of increasing “Min Light Map Resolution” which is for light map auto generation, increase the “Light Map Resolution” setting in the same “Static Mesh Settings” section of the Static Mesh editor I mentioned above.
"Can you tell me what you’re “Light Map Coordinate Index” is set to in the static mesh editor for these models?"
Walls: 1
Floor: 0
Ceeling: 1
If “Light Map Coordinate Index” is set to anything other than 0, then use the drop down list at the top that says “UV Channel 0” to select the UV channel “Light Map Coordinate Index” is set to and retake those screenshots of the UVs.
One last thing. I was speaking from memory before and now that I’m looking at unreal I see that I missspoke earlier. Instead of increasing “Min Light Map Resolution” which is for light map auto generation, increase the “Light Map Resolution” setting in the same “Static Mesh Settings” section of the Static Mesh editor I mentioned above.
I did set them to 512. The min resolution is 64
Well your light maps don’t look like they would create that drastic of errors. Would it be possible to share the project so we can investigate further?
If not, the next thing I suggest you try is build lighting at a higher quality setting.
The Project is pretty big for me too upload. How can i build the light at a higher quality ?
Next to the build button at the top there is an arrow to drop down advanced options. You should see a lighting quality option, that is set to preview by default. Increase that setting and try building again.
Setting the light quality to production fixed it for me. Thank you so much
No problem. Happy to help.