Metal looks horrible coming from Substance Painter


So I’m having a bit of trouble getting my metals to look right coming from Substance Painter. Most of the time I can fudge my settings around to make my materials passable, but this particular material is giving me a lot of grief and I want to really learn what I’m doing wrong.

I’ve read a lot that in my metallic and roughness maps, sRGB should be turned off, which I’ve done. I’ve also read that reflection captures and a skylight need to be placed in the scene, so I’ve done that. It’s also best that the hemisphere color in the skylight should be captured from the scene, not just that solid black color, so that’s been taken care of. And that’s about where I run out of suggestions.

one more thing that I’ve noticed is, my material looks fine on the mesh when viewed from the mesh editor. It looks identical to my material preview in Substance Painter.

Any help would be extremely appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

Unreal (Primary) Editor

Substance Painter

Unreal Mesh Editor

Hey there, can you show the material editor?