Metahuman beard and eyebrow hair is clipping/culling when the camera is at a distance - forming zebra-like stripes as seen in the images. It looks fine in the viewport and in the blueprint editor, but appears like this in the sequencer when the camera cuts track is enabled.
Here are some images of the issue and further below all fixes we have tried (and failed at):
How it looks
How it should look
Here are all the things we have tried so far:
- Changing the materials to a default material with a simple base color
- Simulation turned off
- Used a ‘camera’ and cinecameraActor
- Changed groom settings in the details panel
- Removed DOF
- Anti-Aliasing - turned off; and tried temporal, FXAA and MSAA
- Changed bounds scale (both extremes)
- Turned off post-processing
- Rendered using Sequencer and default Movie Render Queue settings
- No overlapping transluscent materials
- Changed near clip plane in project settings to 0.01
- Forced LOD to 0
- Increased screen percentage to 200
- Reduced export resolution - 1080p, 720p, 480p
- Issue visible in both Lit and Unlit modes
- Tried the below console commands:
- r.VolumetricFog.GridSizeZ 256
- r.RayTracing.Geometry.InstancedStaticMeshes.Culling 0
- r.DepthOfFieldQuality 4.0
- r.TextureStreaming 0.0
- r.ShadowQuality 5.0
- r.VolumetricFog.TemporalReprojection 1.0
- ShowFlag.DepthOfField 0.0
- r.HairStrands.Cluster.Culling 1
- r.HairStrands.Cull 1
- r.HairStrands.RasterizationScale 0.1
- r.HairStrands.Visibility.PPLL 1
- r.HairStrands.Visibility.PPLL.MeanSamplePerPixel 4
Any help here would be extremely appreciated!