Mesh has bad lighting after building light

Hello! Currently I am importing some models I made in Blender. I made a wall that looked perfectly fine before building lighting. However, once I built the lighting, weird shadows appeared (Especially on the crown molding and trim of the wall). I would like to ask if someone could help me out.

My Lightmap Resolution is 128. If you need anymore information please let me know :slight_smile:

Provide more information about the project’s lighting:

Directional light(s) settings (base settings and the ones under Lighting / Rendering)
Skylight(s) (same as directional)
World Lightmass Settings

I’m guessing by the picture that a number of the settings are default. Is Generate Mesh Distance Fields enabled for the project?

Yes, all settings are default. I will get the exact numbers when I get back on my PC. Generate Mesh Distance Fields was not enabled. Should I enable it?

Ok, so just for a little test I tilted the wall back a little to see if it could possibly be due to the angle of the lighting. Here’s the result:

It looks a lot better in my opinion. Does that mean it’s the angle of the lighting? I’m just using the default lighting that is provided by ue4.

It has something to do with the angle of the mesh. That’s weird. I would go to the directional light settings, increase or decrease Shadow Bias, Shadow Slope Bias, and Shadow Resolution. There’s a few other settings, but I need to see what they’re currently at to consider what’s happening.