Mesh appears huge when I m attaching it to skeletal mesh

I have a problem where I have a flashlight mesh. This mesh I downloaded from sketchlab and I didnt do any post work with the scales on blender. It looks like this when I place it on my test level.

I created a socket in my skeletal mesh

And tried to preview and it looks like this, GIANT.

I tried then attaching it to the skeletal mesh in game and twitch the values, but I got two outcomes.
First one was that the flashlight was HUUUUGEEE.(The shadow comes from the flashlight)

Second is that the flashlight is normal scale but when I try to rotate it behaves like the scale is HUGE. I tried rotating it 10 degrees and see where it went

That is how I am trying to implement it, I tried different combinations of keep relative, snap to target and keep world, and checked that boolean and I got either of the two outcomes I described.

What is wrong any ideas?

If you click the socket, what are the details like?

As an aside, it’s probably a good idea to orient the pivot point of the mesh, so that X faces the light direction


As for the orientation you are correct but this is a test mesh to find the correst location. The thing i want to attach is a bp flashlight which everything is oriented and gets assinged and attached to the socket when the player picks up the flashlight

I’m still suspecting the mesh is picking up the scaling from something else. Are the arms scaled?

You can probably fix it just by scaling the socket down, but that’s not the real answer… :slight_smile:

Αrms look like this with scale 1 and I havent changed anything. I now suspected that maybe its the fault of the animations but i tried it right now with just the amrs and same thing happened.
Flashlight is that black thing in the distance when i tried to rotate it

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Hmm… running out of ideas… :slight_smile:

You can upload FBX of arms and torch if you like…

You need to change settings in blender

  • Go to Scene Properties, Units.
  • Change Unit Scale from 1.0 to 0.01
  • Scale skeleton 100 times, apply scale.
  • Export from blender, import to UE.

1 blender unit = 1 meter, 1 UE unit = 1 centimeter.

1 Like (9.2 MB)
Animations (2).fbx (1.3 MB)

Thank you for your time!

Change both the arms and flashlight scale in blender? Okay I will try that and let you know.

Is flashlight a skeleton?

No its a static mesh

Then no, this problem is only with skeleton mesh.

So I should just upscale the skeleton 100 times in blender? Wouldnt that make it huge in ue

It shouldn’t be.
Also after scale change you will need to fix animations. Here’s short video how to do it:

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If it helps somehow the arms were bought from unity asset store

That 's problem with blender itself. It has different unit scale, not as UE.

ok. Thank you for the info! I will look into that and let you know how it went.

If I make a simple character, and set the flashlight transform to the socket transform, it fits

How are you doing it?

Better after fixing the pivot and scale

I was doing it like this

I tried it you way and although it appears to be attached it does not follow the animations and I cannot rotate it. I have to rotate the socket I cant just attach the actor the then set the location manually however I want, I have to mess with the socket