first a bit of context : we are developing some kind of tool (in Unreal Editor) to import large terrain data in a specific format, create some static assets / textures / materials … and save everything as Unreal Assets. As the data is too big to be loaded and converted at once, the process load a part of the data (tile organised), process it, convert it to asset, save it and try to unload everything.
It works pretty fine, but memory consumption is slowly growing during all the process, so we activated llm to check if we can find some leaks.
Here are examples of memory consumption at start of the process :
and near the end :
And here comes the questions :
- PagefileUsed, Total & Tracked Total increased a lot (more than 40Gb), but WorkingSetSize not so much (15Gb), can someone explain what are the different categories and why WorkingSetSize doesn't increase at the same rate as the others ?
- One of the main increasing category is "FMalloc Unused". Stars around 1.7Gb and is around 12GB on the second screenshot. What are those FMalloc Unused ?
- It seems hard for me to understand where are gone the 40Gb of the "Tracked Total" when I look at the increase of the other categories.
Any clues welcome.