I’m using a media player to show a streamed video (mp4) on a plane in a GearVR project. The video works fine, but whenever the plane is completely out of my current field of view the scene turns black and I see portions of the video locked to the display (eg not moving when I look around). The colors are inverted, too. If I look back to the plane, the scene comes back to normality.
The same problem arises also when the plane with the video is the only object in the scene.
The same application works fine disabling the GearVR plugin.
Tested on Note4 (snapdragon, lollipop 5.1.1) and S6 (lollipop 5.1.1)
At the moment I’ve not been able to get media textures to work on my Note4 that I have to test on. I’ve used the media texture of the UE4 logo that is available in Content Examples.
I’ve tried this with the Gear VR plugin enabled and disabled but no luck. I’m probably missing something while setting this up that I’ve not got right yet, but if you have a test project that can reproduce this that may be quicker than me attempting to set up.
If that’s feasible let me know, otherwise I’ll have to set this up when I get more time to see why the media texture I have isn’t working compared to what you’re seeing.
Let me know or if you are able to reproduce with the assets from the Media map I can use whatever steps you have to do that. Migrating the assets over and setting up the media texture on a cube works fine in editor, just not on the device that I can see.
You can download a sample project replicating the problem here:
The material set up is emissive and there are no lights in the scene. Adding a light prevents the problem (but I think this is a bug that needs to be addressed anyway)
Please let me know if I can help with further details.
I’m have a problem that look alike yours.
I dont know how to make my mp4 goes into the build for gearVR, when I build and the scene starts everything stays black…
Thanks for the project. I’m still looking into this and trying to reproduce in a new blank project, but I’m having a bit of trouble. I’ll update once I’ve had a bit of time to dig into this one a little more and get it reported. Thanks for your patience.
Man, I downloaded your project and builded for my GearVR and it worked, I’m working with a 360 videos, so i changed your plane with a sphere with inverted faces and I placed the player inside of it.
Your video works in my sphere (all distorted because is a plane video, not 360) but my video does’t work in my sphere neither in your plane, it does not give play, just stays black with no sound…
My video is also .mp4, I used Adobe Media Encoder to convert the video to less quality to see if this was the problem, but still no sucess…
I did all the things that should be done, put in the content/movies, create texture, then material, change the material to emissive and change the Movie Play in your blueprint to mine video… Am I missing something?
Ok, If you need any help setting up the blank project just tell me.
Little update, adding the light does not actually prevent the problem, the artifacts are still an issue in most situations and show up when the the texture with the video is no directly visible.
The .mp4 container is ok, but which codec are you using and which is the size / aspect ratio of the video?
I’m using H.264, AAC and it works fine. Also, the video should be placed in the Content/Movies folder, or it won’t be correctly loaded.
The original file .mp4 is 133MB 4096x2048, I don’t know which CODEC is… But I reduced it to 1600x800 (45,5MB) H.264, AAC too and still didn’t work
Look at the Adobe Media Encoder export config that I’m using: http://i.imgur.com/4aJD9yk.png
(sorry for the portuguese interface, hope you understand the configs that I’m using for the export)
And it is in the Content/Movies folder just like your test video…
Looks fine. Just try using a different image size to start with, e.g. 1280x720 (or 640x320 or any standard format)
In any case: from my experience you may have problems of performance in UE 4.9 and gearVR with a video of this size (I’m using 480p and I’m already at 30fps), and this resolution is anyway too low for a 360 VR video. There are optimisations coming, but apparently not before 4.11…
So, two kinds of problems. Not sure why, but there may actually some kind of issue with your codec, re-encoding it with ffmpeg had it working with my test project.
ffmpeg -i SeSquareAndroid.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow out.mp4
In your project though, I wasn’t able display your video correctly, presumably for the same issue I’m talking about in this post. Indeed, if you look straight above you, you can see a negative and planar version of your video (the same issue I’m experiencing when my video is out of sight)
Hi Tim, any feedback? Did you manage to reproduce the problem?
This issue is completely blocking one of our projects, no workaround found at the moment, any help is very welcome.
Due to other priorities I’ve not been able to dig into it as much this week yet. It’s still on my list of things to check and test though. Apologies for the delay.
Just a quick update. I’ve spent a good bit of Friday and Today trying to package and even just launch on device for 4.10 and our internal 4.11 builds. At the moment I’m having trouble getting this working for those builds with the sample project that reproduces the issue. I’m still looking into it and will figure out during this week what’s wrong with my Android setup that’s causing it to not work properly. I’ll let you know when I have more information.
I was able to get this packaged in what will be 4.11 and the issue is still happening. Apologies for the delay in getting a response for this one. The issue has been reported with UE-24121. Once there is any updates I’ll post back here.
Thank you Tim! I do hope this gets fixed by 4.12, this bug is really hindering my project. Any chance the performance improvements related to the android media player will also be in next release?