Maya blendshape anim curve tangents change on import

I seem to have tried all possible FBX export/import options - all settings result in incorrect blendshape animation curve import.

Here is the simple blendshape curve in maya with tangents of middle key adjusted by hand:

And here is the same curve after import, note change of shape and how high are max an min values!

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In Maya, create cube with one blendshape, keyframe it at 0 in first frame, at 1 in frame 10, at 0 in frame 20.

  2. In Maya’s Graph Editor adjust curve shape by grabbing and moving tangent of frame 10 key, Export to fbx.

  3. Import to Unreal as SkeletalMesh with animation, observe incorrect tangents on imported animation curve.

Is this a known issue? Are there ways to import correct anim curves without having to manually fix them in Unreal after import?

Anyone from Epic looks through these pages? Or is there a different place where Epic supports its product?