Maya 2016 FBX import to UE - Incorrect shading

After importing an asset as FBX from Maya 2016, it seems that the shading shows up incorrect. See the screenshots below. I’ve tried messing around with lightmap resolutions, but it didn’t seem to work. Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?

Sometimes an error like this shows up after importing an FBX asset from Maya 2016. But also when this message doesn’t show up, the shading is incorrect:

Anyone know what is going on here?

Hi daanhegman,

Degenerate Tangents happen when you have not setup a proper UV for your mesh.

This post can help explain that a little bit more: Degenerate Tangent Bases - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums

Make sure that you’ve setup a proper Lightmap UV as well if you’re planning on using this mesh with static/stationary lighting.

You can read more about that here on our Lighting Wiki: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

I hope this helps.


Thanks! What is a proper Lightmap UV according to you?

This page about Unwrapping UV for Lightmap should cover what is needed for a good lightmap UV.