Materials behaving strangely, either blown out in brightness and glitchy or silvery metallic

I have an issue in my project where the textures have strange glitches and are blown out (plus blurry near the edges) or where the materials all look a silvery metallic though still retaining some albedo.

These are not issues that I can fix with parameters or in the node editor. It seems like some sort of bug or other issue.

I’ve tried different GI methods and made all the lights stationary rather than static to no avail.

Any solutions?

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It seems you are using a specific view mode :thinking:

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Unfortunately no, the 2nd picture was taken in Lit mode.

I was able to fix both (mostly) by switching the project to Lumen.

The thing is I really wanted to just use Ray tracing and I can’t seem to find out why Screen Space and Ray Tracing are behaving this way. The glass caustics still seem off too.

Try this:

Maybe it’s too late to answer but I also got the same result
When I changed Engine Scalability Setting to High or Epic it fixed the problem