Material to heavy

So i just made this material (watching a tutorial). This is a Force Field material like in “Overwatch” game! now after making this and applying it to my sphere i noticed i dropped from 144FPS to 120FPS, i went into Optimization
Viewmodes → Shader Complexity
and noticed that it is well in the RED area!

Base Pass shader without light map: 110 intructions

Base pass vertex shader : 169 instructions

How can i fix the material? what can i change to make it better?

It’s not a heavy material. I just copied it and I get the same compile stats as you, but it’s in the green zone in shader complexity.

EDIT: It could be your blend mode. I’m using translucent.

Also the red complexity may be due to other shaders beyond the one you’re viewing in the world, if it is translucent.