Material looks different

Hi all

I’m new to Unreal but have worked a lot in Cinema4D, so maybe I’m not understanding something fundamental in how Unreal works…

I created an anisotropic material. In the material preview it looks as it should. But in the editor it looks completely different. Am I missing something with the light setup?

Thank you in advance!

The reason it looks fine in the mesh previewer is because it’s reflecting a cubemap in the previewer. But when placed in the scene, it is using Lumen reflections which do not seem to support anisotropy. So you’ll only get anisotropy from the direct specular (lightsource reflection), and not from indirect specular reflections (reflections from the scene)

For now, I don’t know that there is any good way to overcome this, other than turning lumen reflections off, or switching to substrate materials

In the future, apparently Lumen is has added support for anisotropy: Lumen GI and Reflections feedback thread - #970 by jblackwell


Thank you Arkiras! That was it :slight_smile:

Thank you for helping so quickly :smiley:

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