Material Editor - Custom Data 0 & Custom Data 1 pins - Following Unreal Engine Live Training

Hello I have followed step by step the official youtube video: “Post Processing in UE4: Cel-Shading | Live Training | Unreal Engine Livestream”
[Youtube Video Link][1]


And there is a big question in my mind. How do I use this imputs on the main material node called: Custom Data 0 & Custom Data 1

I have been looking for some official documentation with no luck, by gathering some bizarre pieces of information through different results on google. I think the thing they have in common in these pieces of information is that they are used to “modify the official shader” for some form of custom made toon shader.
It would be appreciated if you could help me to find more official sources from Epic Games about this, or some tips or directions where to find more. I’d like to explore and dive more onto this information.
Now it seems there is a void of information around this. By creating this question here, i hope we can add more results on google to shine more light on this matter, and hopefully gather all this answers to all this questions in a single spot.

Are these two pins just some outdated stuff that has been hanged around since many versions ago of the engine? or is it some powerful porposes attach to it.

Thank you in advance!

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im also wondering about his

I was wondering this, so for anyone else who stumbles in here: Material Inputs in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation

They’re basically two spare inputs that are used by specific shaders. If you want to make use of them, you’d have to add your own custom shading model.