Material editor crashing (nullptr error in UE4EditorCore.dll) after adding custom MaterialExpression class

After addition of a new C++ class under UMaterialExpression (i.e. a custom material node),
when I try to open any material editor, the UE4 editor crashes, reporting an error of reading nullptr in UE4EditorCore.dll.
This error disappeared after I removed the additional class. Therefore error source must be in the new class.
As no error is reported on creating default object of this class (when loading UE4Editor), probably the error is in header file, maybe in specifier macros (i.e. UCLASS() or UPROPERTY()).
In addition, the crash appears to occur before executing any code in the new header or source, i.e. no matter I set breakpoints on anywhere in header or source file, this error will occur without hitting any breakpoints.

Source code:

// MyExpression.h

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "UObject/ObjectMacros.h"
#include "MaterialExpressionIO.h"
#include "Materials/MaterialExpression.h"
#include "MyExpression.generated.h"

UCLASS(MinimalAPI, collapsecategories, hidecategories = Object)
class UMyExpression : public UMaterialExpression


	FExpressionInput Input;

	UPROPERTY(meta = (RequiredInput = "false", ToolTip = "Defaults to 2 if not specified"))
	FExpressionInput Strength;

	virtual int32 Compile(class FMaterialCompiler* Compiler, int32 OutputIndex) override;
	virtual void GetCaption(TArray<FString>& OutCaptions) const override;