Material Doesn't Work on Custom Static Mesh

Unreal version 4.26.2

How do I get existing Materials (with normal & roughness) to work on my custom static mesh (.FBX)? Something is configured incorrectly on the mesh that causes it to lose normal & roughness.

I created a 3d asset in shapr3d (modeling app), imported to Blender as .STL file, exported from Blender to Unreal as .FBX static mesh. Didn’t make any changes in Blender; just used it to convert the file format.

I want to apply an existing Material to the mesh in Unreal, which already has albedo, normal, roughness, and looks good on Unreal’s native objects (Cylinder, Cube, etc). When I put the same Material onto my custom mesh, the albedo works but the normal & roughness are lost. It just looks flat & smooth with no texture detail - see below.

Comparing my custom mesh side-by-side in Material Editor with the native Cube mesh, I can’t tell any differences; the details all look identical, except the Cube has the checkboard appearance and mine doesn’t. They both use WorldGridMaterial; I tried switching to DefaultMaterial but no change.

My Mesh vs native Cube Mesh (same material):

My Mesh vs native Cube in Material Editor (I don’t see any differences except mine isn’t checkerboard):

The material setting in the mesh editor doesn’t do anything, it’s just a preview material. What is informative however, is if you set it to ‘world grid’, then we can see the UVs of the mesh.

Can you show you material with the normal map etc?

Here’s a Material I use often; it’s from Megascans, which all use instances that call the same master Material. When applied to the native Cube it looks like formed concrete, but on my mesh it’s just plain white with no variations or textures:
alt text

alt text

Sorry; here’s the whole material view

Here’s are zoomed in views of the Material I use often; from Megascans, which all use instances that call this master Material. When applied to the native Cube it looks like formed concrete, but on my mesh it’s just plain white with no variations or textures:

Well, can’t really see anything there, it’s too small, and part of it is a function :wink:

Maybe just try a basic material first.

Here are some zoomed views of that Material

Did you perhaps found the answer to this problem? I have the exact same situation where the materials preview doesn’t match the static mesh on the imported .fbx model.

hello any solution plz!!

I had the exact same problem (needed at least 3h to figure it out). In my case I use Solidworks to make the models, then export them to STL files and import them to blender to export them to FBX. What worked for me in UE is to click on the object taht the material is not working, then go to - Modeling mode(Shift+5) / UVs / AutoUV (the only thing you need to change is probaby the Auo UV method, select the mode that is most suitable to your object shape) then click accept. Hope it helps.

Here is a screenshot for better understanding.