Masked material shadows with Lightmass GPU no working

So as the title says I need shadows from masked materials. I have a masked material with the “Cast Shadow as Masked” ticked.

But when baking with a static spotlight with “Cast Shadows” ticked the out come is this

Now if the spotlight was set to Movable it will cast proper shadows

And since GPU Lightmass is using raytracing I even check with the “Path Tracer” if said materials cast any shadows.

And yes they cast the shadows and even with Movable spotlight and normal raytracing shadows they cast the proper shadow

So my question now is does GPU Lightmass support masked shadows? In the UE 5.3 documentation there is no mention of it other than Translucent Shadows. Or is there anything else on my part that I’m doing wrong?

Thank you!

Be aware that shadowing with GPULM in general is broken in 5.3: See Epic's GPUlightmass

Could this be your issue?

If you can, test in 5.1.1, which is the last good working engine with GPU Lightmass.

Ok, so I somehow managed to get it fixed and not sure what it was, but after restarting both the editor and my computer things work as they should. And I did also the same test with 5.1.1, there it worked fine before the restart of my computer. So for the time being I’m going to mark this as an answer since it worked it self out, but if anyone should have the same problem here I would kindly remove this as an answer.

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