I may have been unclear… I was not looking for getting a lot of free samples, and cheating the content providers for their hard work. However I was addressing the problem of buying expensive content without being able to check if it is a good match for my project… I would guess a refund would only apply if there was something really wrong with the content (and with the current strict quality control, that´s not likely to be an).
Okay I’m currently I’m an online student at FullSail.edu… I hadn’t the time to try to create a full game so I canceled my UE4 contract, since it was 20 out the account as a donation every month with no actual use. I’m attending for computer animation but I’m a character modeler at heart.
Can I create for the Market Place without an account?
Storefront that handles in-app purchases for iOS, Android, Amazon, etc. Also handles in-game purchases and inventory.
Prebuilt GUI system: such as Main Menu, Options, Level Selector, End Game, Credits. I hate making UIs from scratch!
I would love to see a some landscape materials. Not talking like grass textures, or materials. Talking about actual full landscape materials that include the textures, that are wired up to handle the world offset, change scaling based on their distance etc. I think that would help a great deal of people be able to turn out some really amazing landscapes. A set of them as a package would be great.
I’ve been working on , should have it ready for submission within the next week or so.
I would love to see a some landscape materials. Not talking like grass textures, or materials. Talking about actual full landscape materials that include the textures, that are wired up to handle the world offset, change scaling based on their distance etc. I think that would help a great deal of people be able to turn out some really amazing landscapes. A set of them as a package would be great.
I see Manufactura 4K has released something, the guy does work. Used a lot of his assets with and very impressed he’s very easy going / helpful.
I don’t mind buying art assets or materials as long as I have express permission to modify them in any way I choose. Characters are a little harder, base meshes are useful and char packs are great for prototyping…
UI packs / inventory systems etc. are always useful. Oh and Skybox’s are always great to have!.
I’d love a good set of a dozen or so “talking” animations. Generic ones that could be looped, it’d be helpful for NPCs and short cutscenes.
Storefront that handles in-app purchases for iOS, Android, Amazon, etc. Also handles in-game purchases and inventory.
Prebuilt GUI system: such as Main Menu, Options, Level Selector, End Game, Credits. I hate making UIs from scratch!
is coming soon The pre-built GUI that is.
If has already been mentioned sorry but I would like to see plugins for Ads and Analytics - , Hydra, GameAnalyitcs, Chartboost etc. so we can use them in Blueprints
wish list
I would like the following things
different weather for example rain,snow,thunderstorm,lighting all that stuff
ui menu
extreme weather system for example rain would flood the whole map or something like that
tutorials for creating animations,characters etc
I would like trees so you would be able to cut down the tree and then animation for it and then you would be able to pick it up
to be able to use wood to build something for example use the woods to build stuff like you can do in the game called the forest, for example to build big ships,houses,
modular level design kits
Particle-based extreme weather system
Volumetric Cloud/Fog system
sound fx
Some more holiday theme specific items
Christmas baubles and ornaments with reflective shiny materials.
Weather system
Water system
Volumetric Cloud/Fog system
Particle-based extreme weather system
Modular level design “kits”
Character packs
Genre “starter” packs (includes everything to begin rapid development of an idea)
Shader/Texture packs
Destructible props
(Platform-specific) Speech Recognition Engine
(Platform-specific) Gesture Control Engine
What I would really like to see is NVidia Gameworks (the “contact for licensing”) at a consumer/indie-developer/indie-student-researcher price point with royalties paid if over XYZ amount earned from project/game.
After a bit of time playing I have two product suggestions that I would be more than happy to pay for.
- From scratch to completion project based tutorials. Top of my list as a project is a demonstration in creating a full 1st and 3rd person character and animation package including prop or weapon additions.
- Plug-in solutions that manages repetitive tasks. Setting up player models is a good example as I’ve found it difficult to keep track of whats connected to what or what is missing just to get a simple function to work. Under such a plug-in life would be easier if like a wizard you could tell the plug-in what assets to use, models, animations and the type of control system you want to use, that once the go button is pressed would auto generate a working set of blueprints.
I would like to see a decent european/western vegetation nature pack. Would pay some good money for it if its optimized and looks good
After a bit of time playing I have two product suggestions that I would be more than happy to pay for.
- From scratch to completion project based tutorials. Top of my list as a project is a demonstration in creating a full 1st and 3rd person character and animation package including prop or weapon additions.
I’m working on - And for free! I’ve been preparing it for a while, but don’t expect it until just after Christmas.
I’m working on - And for free! I’ve been preparing it for a while, but don’t expect it until just after Christmas.
Excellent \o/
req: Volcanoes+
Would love to see something blueprint/particle-based that deals with volcanoes, lava and their interactions. Lots could be learned from such a project and it would also be an incredibly versatile resource (could use aspects to create a forest fire, for example).
- different lava types (A’a, Pahoehoe, Pillow)
- different lava interaction types (spreading over grass, flowing into the ocean)
- different flow types (fountains, lakes, channels)
- different levels of activity (Strombolian, Vulcanian)
- different smoke types produced by the above
Not a comprehensive list by any means, but a starting point.
The marketplace was just launched around 1-2 months ago. It’ll take time for it to begin to populate. UE4 just came out earlier year, and (someone correct me if I’m wrong) beta access was only for a couple months earlier and was limited to who could participate. I believe Epic has stated that they’re looking for ways to make the submission process much quicker, somewhere around on the forums. It will no doubt get better as time moves on.
Couple of months?
Not so! Some lucky devs like Lexluthor1 have had access for up to two years as I said before. is from April 2014:
“I’ve been working in Unreal engine Four for over a year now, and only open UDK to copy some material set-ups” :-
Sure, but what does that have to do with the market place that just opened? Did you expect these few “lucky devs” to create content for a market place that would potentially open years later?
The asset store for is better and alot more streamlined you can just upload the content up right from the editor way you have to actually get it upvoted and then who knows what.