I’m a fan of environments. Definitely, It would be great if marketplace publish manors environments inside and/or outside…
My Wishlist is …
Dinosaurs with animations!!!
My wishlist is an parkour animgym. Where we can test out our animations. And not just an environment so with areas that trigger different behaviours/animations.
Simple example
UI menus with in games statistics!
Hi! as I am more of a creative level mapper, what I need in UE4 is meny blueprints of the “UI and menus” with general game stats “statistics”!..
Soo, If someone can be nice and implement overall game stats that be cool!!!..
Would love to see some quality ground foliage (grass,bushes, high grass etc.) that uses the speedtree wind
I’ve already written it before, but now would like to enhance and complement my request.
A complete spider template.
Procedural Spiders (configurable for legs size and number) with animations sets, spider walking phys, interchangeable parts, customizable meshes, dismemberment, AI templates for ally, neutral and enemy spider. Various spider types as example (Alien, Robotic, Cartoonized, Monstrous)
Why have not more repulsive and exciting thing than many spiders Mobs in a dungeon.
Plug-and-Play AI packs for any purpose and game type.
A full plug-and-play AI templates organized in series for any purpose (RPG, RTS, Tower Defense, FPS, , Flight, Car). AI for enemies, ally, NPCs, bosses, , crowd, mobs, creeps, zombies. Full Control over Idle, cover, chase, patrol, attack, defense, tatical, weapon selection, various objective selection, firing, trajectory and sensorial with all animation and examples included.
I’d love to see more high-quality foliage, and general environmental assets
Timers Statistics
Like that someone do a complex Timer statistics, example:
- Game level timer.
- Total played timer.
- Best lap times.
- Best time for all levals
. Total time for completed game. - Total and media of km per hour by player.
- Any other useful time statistics is welcome!
A list of time statistics that can be checked at any time in game and in menu…
Hi! as I am more of a creative level mapper, what I need in UE4 is meny blueprints of the “UI and menus” with general game stats “statistics”!..
Soo, If someone can be nice and implement overall game stats that be cool!!!..
Like that someone do a complex Timer statistics, example:
- Game level timer.
- Total played timer.
- Best lap times.
- Best time for all levals
. Total time for completed game. - Total and media of km per hour by player.
- Any other useful time statistics is welcome!
A list of time statistics that can be checked at any time in game and in menu…
I am currently debating on what type of UI’s to work on for the marketplace. One type I’d like to work on are player reticules for weapons, player interaction, and more so. Approximately 30 to 50 images with animation groups demonstrating how they can be integrated into a functional asset. However it seems that people like yourselves want more statistic based UI set ups. If you guys could be more specific with maybe for example genre’s for a UI. Let me know and I could start working on a pack of UI’s blueprint coded specifically for that genre.
I am currently debating on what type of UI’s to work on for the marketplace. One type I’d like to work on are player reticules for weapons, player interaction, and more so. Approximately 30 to 50 images with animation groups demonstrating how they can be integrated into a functional asset. However it seems that people like yourselves want more statistic based UI set ups. If you guys could be more specific with maybe for example genre’s for a UI. Let me know and I could start working on a pack of UI’s blueprint coded specifically for that genre.
is convenient, I just came onto thread to suggest some UI stuff. I’m sure what kind of UI he is thinking of that is specific to a timer and the such, I figured that was just a text object with maybe some cool font and styling.
What I would like to see is a more modular approach. Have basic items stylized with things like rounded corners, slanted edges, worn edges, beveled edges, and any other kind of element you can think of. With that have some customization with overlays ontop of that such as maybe hexagon patterns, outlines, etc. Many UI packs are provided as-is; once you use them in one game, it wouldn’t really be any fun using it again.
With these menu UI elements, it would be nice if they were 9-sliced. I read that UMG supports it, but there is NO documentation on how to make them or how to set them up. That way we don’t have to worry about using different images for different button sizes; they will al scale nicely without stretching.
Ontop of that maybe some things like fonts, text , progress bar stylings (maybe even animated like the shield energy bar in borderlands 2).
With these menu UI elements, it would be nice if they were 9-sliced. I read that UMG supports it, but there is NO documentation on how to make them or how to set them up.
Scroll down to the section, Setting Image States.
** Not sure why I didn’t get it the first time I read that. I had it in my mind that a 9 slice was a special file type like filename.9. from a 9 patch on android: ://developer.android./tools/help/draw9patch.html
is convenient, I just came onto thread to suggest some UI stuff. I’m sure what kind of UI he is thinking of that is specific to a timer and the such, I figured that was just a text object with maybe some cool font and styling.
What I would like to see is a more modular approach. Have basic items stylized with things like rounded corners, slanted edges, worn edges, beveled edges, and any other kind of element you can think of. With that have some customization with overlays ontop of that such as maybe hexagon patterns, outlines, etc. Many UI packs are provided as-is; once you use them in one game, it wouldn’t really be any fun using it again.
With these menu UI elements, it would be nice if they were 9-sliced. I read that UMG supports it, but there is NO documentation on how to make them or how to set them up. That way we don’t have to worry about using different images for different button sizes; they will al scale nicely without stretching.
Ontop of that maybe some things like fonts, text , progress bar stylings (maybe even animated like the shield energy bar in borderlands 2).
Basically one giant UI kit for startup development and so on for those who may not have an artist? Sure thing, I’ll try to make several elements you can put together for easier design. It will of course take me awhile but it’ll be in hopefully 1-2 weeks.
is just a small example of what I did before trying to keep the UI simple. While I could add textures like paper for effect I would need to be working with someone to talk about how they want their design. So you are talking about something along the lines of ?
is my current progress in GIMP:
There will be more shades, more gradients, and so on. A lot of things you’ll have to do yourself with Unreal UMG tools and so on and so forth.
That black inventory screen is pretty sweet, it looks like you already have quite a bit of experience working with UMG. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
That black inventory screen is pretty sweet, it looks like you already have quite a bit of experience working with UMG. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Thanks, I been working in GIMP making digital art for about two or three years, usually for fun but nothing professional. Hopefully I can deliver and and include just enough assets for what people like you want to make. I’ll have to of course make a plethora of shapes and border lines. I plan on trying to make it much easier to use with how the UMG anchors and stretches boxes based on the Horizontal or Vertical Box size. I really love how Unreal does that, makes making symmetrical layouts easier.
Hi for
No one is interested in a plug-and-play customizable creature riding system with creature animations and attack ability, with some autonomy, such as following the player, defending the player, returning to the base, idle, running away, looting, getting tired, being damaged, dying. Where the work you will have is only to change the creature’s mesh. It could be extended even for a companion system, Pets, Dogs, Cats, Creatures, NPCs… Following the player
Hey is there someone there!:rolleyes:
Hi for
No one is interested in a plug-and-play customizable creature riding system with creature animations and attack ability, with some autonomy, such as following the player, defending the player, returning to the base, idle, running away, looting, getting tired, being damaged, dying. Where the work you will have is only to change the creature’s mesh. It could be extended even for a companion system, Pets, Dogs, Cats, Creatures, NPCs… Following the player
Hey is there someone there!:rolleyes:
Shutup and take my money! - Throws Money!
Plug-and-Play AI packs for any purpose and game type.
A full plug-and-play AI templates organized in series for any purpose (RPG, RTS, Tower Defense, FPS, , Flight, Car). AI for enemies, ally, NPCs, bosses, , crowd, mobs, creeps, zombies. Full Control over Idle, cover, chase, patrol, attack, defense, tatical, weapon selection, various objective selection, firing, trajectory and sensorial with all animation and examples included.
, and more of . Also I’d like to see anything that makes the lives of animators easy. Not just mocap motions but any kind of plug-in that helps to bring better animations into the engine would be very useful.
I would definitely be interested in some zombie apocalypse survivor character models (think The Walking Dead) made for First Person Shooters.