Maps need lighting rebuilt error, rebuild attempt issue

I made edits to the level and want to rebuild lighting.

Error: Maps need lighting rebuilt

This warning is caused when lighting has been invalidated by moving or modifying a light Actor. This can cause problems because the rendered lighting in the level is not accurately representing the current state of lights in the level. This error can be solved by going to the Build menu and rebuilding lighting for a map.

I keep getting this error on every map rebuild attempt I’ve restarted my pc.
I’ve forced no precomputed lighting and saved and reloaded and reset and reloaded etc…
Swarm I’ve clean and validated.
I manually deleted the old built file for the level.

None of these work. I keep getting just one error that prevents a rebuild of the lighting the very thing it says I should do. That I’ve been trying to do all along.

You shouldn’t be able to rebuild lighting if you have turned on “Force No Precomputed Lighting”. Try turning all of your lights from stationary/static to movable.

I was only saying I made sure to clear precomputed. I know I can’t build with that selected.

But I will Try turning all of your lights from stationary/static to movable. and post back

Ok that fixed the issue of having that Error: Maps need lighting rebuilt

I think I have a much bigger issue or smaller lol

I have a custom source build of 4.20 I made a single change to allow me to disable wind on cloth.

And when I went to build lighting just now it failed “swarm failed to kick off compile lightmaps” I had no errors in the editor or cautions.

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