Making GetActorLocation() into a pointer

This is a really simple issue probably and I’m probably just really dumb but I’m trying to use the PlayerWorldCameraShake function and I need to pass it an epicenter, I try to pass it my character’s location so I use GetActorLocation(), but then I get an error that it needs a pointer and to use the & symbol. So I changed it to &GetActorLocation() and now it’s telling me I can’t convert an int to a vector. Anyone know how to solve this?

GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->PlayerCameraManager->PlayWorldCameraShake(GetWorld(), CamShake, &GetActorLocation, 0, 1000, 1, false);

in theory:

you re callinv &GetActorLocation, not &GetActorLocation()

but I guess you want something like: FVector* myPtrToAVectorLocation = GetActorLocation()

use the myPtrToAVectorLocation in your cameraShake