Hey guys, I’ve been having an issue making point lights in ue4 have a hard edge, so instead of fading off from their most intense point to 0, it is the same brightness until it hits a certain distance away from the center, then stops. My first thought was to use light functions, and just import this texture into the light function:
but when I tried plugging that into the emission in my light function, it comes out in the world like this:
So that was a failed attempt, then I looked into IES textures, since they have a lower cost on performance, and seem to be industry standard, so I plugged one in that works in spotlights, is a nice hard color until it hits a point, then drops off to 0 almost immediately, but when plugged into a point light, it behaves like a spotlight, see here:
For some reason it only casts light in front of it now, which makes sense I suppose, because that’s what IES textures define.
What I’m trying to do here is get a cartoony, Cell Shaded light casting going. I’ve got some stuff that bases itself on the position of the sun working, but I don’t know how I would incorporate point lights into that. There are moving, glowing objects in my scene that cast light on surrounding objects, and that’s what I’m trying to figure out in this post.
This is what my cell shading looks like without the point lights:
Any help would be appreciated, I’m pretty new to the lighting game.
Thanks in advance,
Mike Moore