I have an issue with post processing materials while using scene textures like diffuse color or world normal. When playing, this gets filled in by a default brick texture (See images below)
The only scene texture that seems to give a valid result from the ones I have tested so far is PostProcessInput0. This was done in an empty scene and happens on multiple materials.
Interested to hear if this is anything others experienced or if there is a fix available, post processing materials give so many opportunities to switch up the look and I would love to play around with these more!
Sorry, forgot to do so. I can’t seem to be able to edit the title, but it should probably be Major as it makes me unable to use most post-processing materials.
Something must be going on with the post process setup somewhere. Perhaps try to make a new material from scratch, or try a different setup with the post process volume.
I tried to replicate this - trying out different materials, projects and post process volume settings, but unfortunately any specific SceneTextures in it will fail and be replaced by the wall.
To see if it’s machine/setup-specific I tried the material out in UE 5.1 and it did work correctly right away.
Tried replicating the bad result without any luck. It seems the brick texture is always present in the border areas of a viewport, when the material is not put together in a valid way, but I have not found a configuration that covers the viewport entirely with the texture.