I am trying for few days already to implement a player list system in a game lobby which includes: Custom Player Name, Team, Ping, Score and Chosen Spaceship.
However, for some reason I can’t seem to get it right, the player states modified from the client are not replicated properly to the server, or the server enforces his own variables on the clients. Meaning if a “Server” and a “Client” joins a room, the “Client” shows up as another “Server”. It even enforced his ready status a while ago to the clients, but it got solved somehow.
I also get “ERROR: Transient text cannot be serialized” on the ping in the "Client"s window.if it means something regarding this issue…
Regarding how it works, or at least how I was trying to make it work:
Every player has MyPlayerState, which includes his custom name chosen from the main menu.
So I’m trying getting all players array from Game State, then try to cast to their MyPlayerState in-order
to get information.
In the Game Lobby:
Players can choose spaceship, click ready button, change team etc etc. The server updates his information
properly, however he doesn’t get the clients information.
I tried printing the the ready status of the server and client when both click ready, server sees true and false and client sees true and true.
Help? suggestions?