Luoshuang's GPULightmass

Thank you very much for this tool. Please open source or add ability to modify build setting somehow. Because even now ultrahigh setting are not enough for me. Thank you very much.

I think if you raise your lightmap resolution high enough you’ll get amazing results…

well i have some shadow artifacts that i dont have with default lightning build. even with high res lightmap meshes.

, On the first page you said that the world settings are not taken into account with the exception of the number of bounces but you also suggest using the Production setting for the lighting quality. Can you explain what each of the settings (Production, High, Medium, Preview.) does to the calculation and quality?.

Also what about the BaseLightmass.ini file, is there anything there we can tweak there?

Speaking of the ini file, perhaps you can add gpu specific settings there that we can tweak to control the quality/speed settings while the gui is available?


Try further increasing TDR to something like 300, 400 etc.

It looks like unassigned swarm agent is a swarm bug rather than related to GPULightmass; Selective lightmap baking is something I want to support, but not very soon.

IES support wont come in the near future since I’m still working on the core sampling algorithm.

Since direct lighting is still calculated on CPU, they will be affected by legacy Lightmass settings. That’s the reason why I suggest higher settings to avoid issues unrelated to GPULightmass.
Currently no setting parameters are exposed in inis.

Hey Luos, I have to ask, since your GPU calculated uses a brute force approach instead of irradience caching, does that mean the seams/artifacts caused by the lack of UE4’s native lightmass due to the lack of a final merge aren’t an issue? I remember reading another post about the issue and you saying you were working on some sort of solution

Just try it yourself and see :slight_smile:


This is amazing, a project that was taking 15 hours with 5 computers and still had lots of strange noise is now taking 4 hours on a single video card, with amazing detail.

Is it possible to compile another version with higher quality?, There are parts that still have noise.

Amazing work

Thanks , I’ve tested the GPU renderer in 4 different projects, with improved results overall and reduced rendering times (of course). I don’t think I’m going back to CPU rendering anytime soon.

General question, I’m still having these spots when it comes to direct lighting (attached images), I’m using stationary lights, production settings and Num Indirect Lighting Bounces=100, should I look into other values if this is done in CPU, or where should I be looking to fix this?

Also, given that I’ve reduced production times from 4-7 hours to 17-45 mins (roughly), and I was always baking overnight, is there any chance that these values can be increased for more and more quality?

Thanks a lot, good work :wink:

EDIT: As it is written in the first post

  • Since adaptively placing more samples around corners (known as Retrace in vray) hasn’t been implemented you may see sploches.

I think I got my answer :frowning:

GPU lightmass is amazing thank you.
so as much as i learn there is no way to increase quality but increase the light map resolution correct me if i am wrong.
how to get rid of this noisy wall Desktop Screenshot 2018.05.04 -

it looks like there is no multi bounce skylight, or is there something specific to do?. Changing the Num Sky Lighting Bounces has no effect.

multi bounce has set to 6,this wall is a little bit far from there any way to increase the quality ?maybe by changing some value in baselightmass.ini?

i tried it now and i will never look back.
this is such a relief. no light/shadow-leaks and an awesome quality in just some minutes.
it is really something that should be available by default. such a tremendous improvement. it’s a crime it wasn’t implemented by now.
thank you so much
i would even pay for it. do you have a payoneer or paypal to send you sum bucks?

is it not support 4.19.2? build keep crash!!

It works perfectly in 4.19.2

I also wanted to test this, and the results so far are very promising! With Unity’s recent integration of Octane for super fast and accurate GPU lightmap baking, this is something Unreal desperately needs to keep up. Like some other users here though, I also get a lot of “sparks”. The scene is lit by a directional and a skylight. The room also used to be lit with spot- and pointlights, but turning those off did not solve the issue. The rest of the scene is clean though, it’s just that area that seems problematic. I’m using the high quality set-up. Any suggestions?

just 20 min in gtx 1060
it works in 4.19.1

Is this awesomeness coming to 4.20 ?

I would also like to know this :smiley:

My scene look very dark, how to make it brighter? What am I missing?