Luoshuang’s GPULightmass LightmassConfiguration Unreal Engine 5.3.1 binary onward

Luoshuang’s GPULightmass Unreal Engine 5 LightmassConfiguration patch installer.

Originally the code was for Unreal Engine 4.

Note:;- This has nothing to do with Epic’s GPUlightmass
which is a Project Plugin

Firstly the 5.3.* binary download Announcment post is here 5.3.1 ,5.3.2

The Github 5.3 binary README is GPULightmass-5-3-1-BIN-patch/README.MD at (

Many people have asked if the installation of the Luoshuang’s GPULightmass 5.3 to be easier. Unreal Engine 4 has a version written by sgeraldes at LightmassConfiguration Unreal 4.*

I am currently working on this LightmassConfiguration version.
This is now working. The documentation need completing, but the code is working just leave a message if you need this urgently.

Announce Beta Unreal 5 version 0.3.5.
I am working to apply updates every day, so like (ue5-main) this may sometimes not be working properly, then leave a few days and the new download will be fixed and working again.

Beta - Luoshuang’s GPULightmass LightmassConfiguration Unreal Engine 5.3.1 binary onward

Currently working new feature

Nvidia TDR set at 300

Known problems

Checking Unreal Editor 5 is still NOT detected, just done run UE4 or UE5

Windows 11 version still has security errors, with Windows defender, Windows 10 works fine follows notes about using Windows Explorer and Unblock.

Backup function and restore function wont work. Use Epic Games Launcher and right click “Verify” to remove LGPU code.

Develop your own
This code was orginally written as a loader for over 20 workstations to load LGPU binary patches onto Epic Games Launcher Unreal Engine binary.

To start further work open Visual Studio 2022 , on the launch screen click “Clone a Repository”
copy in the repository address below

Add the word clone to the end of the local path address looking like “LightmassConfigurationUE5Clone” and click “Clone”

If you want to share some code fixes go into GitHub you forked repository and and send a pull request.

The code and text is covered under Creative Commons 2.0 for Commercial Use.
All trademarks are respected and the source code and binary can only be used in conjunction with Epic Unreal Engine
There is NO WARRANTY on this code, development and learning quality and not for production, To put you binary back to production quality always use the “Verify” function

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