I am new here (in ue too) and hopefully my questions isn’t to stupid but i am fighting with that issue since days. I want to create a map for first person shooter and have started to create a first building. My issue: Inside building it is too dark (Selfcreated model from blender). So i ve tried a lot but it looks still to dark and not correct. My solution in moment is a second posprocess volume inside building where i set up the metering mode to manuel and increasing the exposure compensation value. Tried a lot of stuff.
Today i have created a quick building with ue mesh blocks. Same shape like my house. In this building the light was bright enought. Then i used the same material of my building (Quixel material) and surprise surprise it is dark inside also that ue meshes. So i puted the same material on my building and now it is bright enought. Too bright. But it is the standard white material from ue. How can i fix this issue on the other material. It looks so that its blocking the light a lot more then the other material. I thought my model is the problem since days… Can someone help me and please stay simple if you have an solution. I am an aboslut beginner.
So here the two screenshots where you can see. One time with the quixel material which i want (very dark) and another one with the Basicshapematerial from ue.
Increasing the albedo color will make the light bounce more and provide better illumination of the interiors. Even increasing it just a little bit can make a huge difference.
Really though I think you’ve basically discovered why auto-exposure exists and why most if not all games use it to some degree.
Thank you for your answer. I have tried to increase the albedo of material to max. Still stay so dark . . . In almost all youtube toturials regarding lighting and lumen they use this template white material or they have only inside a room without outside. Which settings are then correct for postprocessingvolume? Which metering mode? Auto Histogram oder Manuel? If i change both postporcessingvolume (Whole world and for my building) to auto expousre basic it would work but inside the bilding, the light looks then to shiny outside.
Arkiras sorry you are right. Ive increased the brightness only on the scale. I have now increased directly in the material the value up to 10 instead of one. Now it is shine enough. Many thanks
Hey, im having pretty much the same problem with my material.
Can you explain what you exactly did? Where you increased the brightness? In the texture itself?