"Lumen in the Land of Nanite” Release Request

Hey Victor, Any update on this? Could you ask management to see if there’s any chatter on releasing this? Any interest from the team? Its been almost 3 years since the demo. I understand there might be a desire to say if we are going to release it we must make it perfect and ELI5 verified. But i want to remind you what made Unreal Engine so popular, its because they released projects that weren’t intended for consumption. But it allowed us developers to dig in and learn (for example, Infiltrator, Elemental Demo, Kite demo, etc)

There are several options you could present to them:

  1. Release an Executable, LLN was supposed to be playable at GDC before covid hit and spoiled those plans. Epic could go this route. It requires the least amount of work as somebody just has to simply compile and release a build and let us experience the demo as it was meant to be at GDC.

  2. Release the demo project as it is with only minor adjustment to make sure its fully functioning and supports the latest engine version (5.1). No re-arrangement, no documentation, no rewrite necessary.

  3. Release the assets from the Demo project. This would seem abit harder than #2 because it takes more effort to gather all the assets, order and arrange them and then release them. But its still a possibility.

  4. Update the demo project to use 5.0+ features like World Partition, Data Layers, Foliage as Nanite. This would be the hardest route and would include as you said: “Non-trivial amount of work”. But its not the only option and certainly not the option we want.

Please victor, please pass this up the chain of command.
You would be doing everyone who has posted in this thread a HUGE favor.
One of the greatest thing about UE community is that the staff listens to the community.
Please listen in this case.

I understand time and effort went into Valley of the Ancient and Lyra. But its been year(s) since those were released. So there may be available bandwidth that could be temporarily devoted to this. The reason we want this project is not just to understand features. We understand the features. Its to understand the techniques used to create the best-looking graphical demo EVER. Remember its not the features, its HOW you use them and combine them to get a specific result.

Remember Victor that this demo blew the entire industry (gaming, graphic engineers, talk shows, podcasts, laymen people)'s mind and brains. Sorry to say but even as AMAZING as Lyra and Valley are. If they were showcased in the place of LLN, it wouldn’t have received the same reaction. We want to know the technical secrets behind LLN. Please help us Victor!