Really looking forward to playing this and seeing development videos! Amazing work!
absolutely stunning. great work, I definitely will buy it when it is released!
That is so awesome, great visual, gameplay will so fun ! Great work guy ! Hope that will finnish and sell it
August 4, 2016, 11:01pm
I would really like to know what’s your technique for hair. It looks great!
August 4, 2016, 11:04pm
I’ve been working on this game for a long time, and now I want to show you some images about the game.
Lost Soul Aside is an action game with fantasy art style, something like combining FinalFantasy with Ninja Gaiden.
And I collected some clips from the gameplay video and made a trailer.
Hope you like it.
Lost Soul Aside Trailer
Screenshots of the gameplay
For more screenshots and information you can visit my facebook or twitter,
Bing Yang
and you can follow that if you are interested about this game, new updates and some development issues will be released there.
Just leave a comment if you are curious or interested about the game, below or on my SNS pages.
Thanks very much.
I would really like to know what’s your technique for hair. It looks great!
August 5, 2016, 1:52pm
Fantastic stuff, that’s how you supposed to use pre-bought assets to speed up your development!
Just wanted to say what a great job you did here! We’ve highlighted you on the livestream, so you get the forum badge for being spotlighted. Please keep us all updated on what you’re up to
August 5, 2016, 11:13pm
You are an inspiration for me! <3
August 6, 2016, 5:19pm
Great work, I like it! Really like the character models, and the hair is very well done. Would be cool to know how you did it.
Special fx are excellent too!
Hi! I saw your trailer on Youtube and I was really amazed that you did all that by yourself! Would it be possible if you told me which software you used to make the character models Thank you
I used the shader from MizuGames and did some modification.You can check it in the link below, thank you.
**UPDATE: Release thread here -> **[FREE] Hair Material - Community Content, Tools and Tutorials - Unreal Engine Forums Hi all! I’m making an anisotropic reflections hair material since few days ago. (Maybe some of you see it in My Twitter) ...
Reading time: 4 mins 🕑
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@anonymous_user_f6b3fd901 , you said you make it fully on BP? Are you thinking about converting it to C++ eventually due to performance? A game with this size could not have a good performance only on BP.
But, what a beautiful project. Keep it going, even it takes a long time to complete!
Thank you friend,yeah I made it by pure blueprint because I’m an artist,I may change it into C++ if I can get a team.Thank you for your advice.
Thank you,My development spec is i7 3770, GTX660, 16G ddr3 ram.So I can only record at 720p
Thank you,there’s still a far way to go.
Holy how long have you been working on this game? Seems like an unbelieveable amount of time put into it. It has to be at least 2-3 years, good choise to keep it kinda in the dark until now, The hype is building up :3 Now just make sure to deliver it before people the focus is left behind, seen many games which had that issue.
But you seem to have full control of the situation, wish you full luck in your success!
Thank you,yeah I have been working on it for 2 years.
Thank you,I used some mocap data for walking,and the combat part is made by hand using maya.
Do you have a full story behind this or are you focused on the gameplay? It’s really impressive what you’ve achieved in matter of animation, combat system, , modelling/design, composition and many other things. The sound design is in some points of the trailer medicore though. Also sorry, but pls add effects on the dragons voice instead of this grumble-batman voice XD. I made you a little sample of what it could sound like: Stream episode Voicekiller 2 by Random arbitrariness podcast | Listen online for free on SoundCloud . I hope you have enogh motivation to go deeper into that matter.
Thank you,till now I concentrated on the combat system and art style,also there is a story,but it takes time to make it into the game.
Thank you friend,sorry I don’t have a plan for crowdfunding or so,but I will let you know when I need your help,Thank you again.
Thank you I used transluent shader mode and made some control by particle system.
This is amazing work and *really *encouraging to see someone else taking on an ambitious one-man project. Cheers!
Can I ask how you went about making those beautiful blue weapon trails? They almost seem 2D at times and remind me of the Street Fighter series. I would LOVE to hear how you went about them.
Thanks mate, keep up the good work!
Thank you I used transluent shader mode and made some control by particle system.