Just a few questions since im new to ue and frankly have no idea what im doing but got inspired by your project to not give up. how do you make the attack effects? and the attack animations? probably something i might have to youtube
@anonymous_user_bb22920d Hey Bing Yang! Im glad to see all this love for your project, i’m super excited for it! I’m trying to work in ue4 right now but I have no idea how to go about creating models or animations that are not pre-set. Do you have any advice for a developer like me? Thank you for bringing this project to the public! I can’t wait to see where you go with this.
This game’s being discussed everywhere, really impressive effects and animations!!! Excellent teaser, btw.
Bro this is crazy as hell for one person lol keep it going cause i wanna play it right now!!! lol
Its been said a hundred times but really impressive work!
Im especially impressed by the combat system, those are so hard to get right and this LOOKS like its on the same level as DevilMayCry and Co, amazing work.
Seeing stuff like this makes me want to work even harder, very inspiring
the most number of words about this game may be the “awesome” , yeath , it’s so impressive from the first sight that I start to pin my hope on our Chinese game market. I also have some experience about how to design one game story and its style. It is too similar with FF15(but I can understand the affect the FF series to your game) maybe it is not a problem for a independent project. but now many people want it better and become a real 3A work. From the interview above about you, you said you would walk on your way, then I hope maybe my advise can help your design about details in the future. For instance, the first sight about LSA (迷失之魂translated in China),I thought Dark souls(黑暗之魂),at last the style of your game is one fantastic world…but could we consider that from the demo of LSA, the monster with the character have many types( to change character’s action?), the most single type of character’s action without the unknown monster could be closer to reality and the weapons may be more abundant, in the demo, the weapon is only one summoned sword. Of course, that all depend on your idea that LSA is for normal players or hardcore players, the character is a loser no one cares or a winner everybody admires, the story is simple just about right defeat evil or complex full of destiny and religion elements
Hello, all this is just amazing. Well, if the guy that did this doesnt want to sell the game or something he could also make a book on how to do this. At least the basics towards hack and slash games like this one. I will buy those books hehe. It would be really apreciated if he decided to offer tutorials for free aswell.
Very impressive on congrats on your work to date. Keep it up. You deserve every success
Ninja Gaiden has my favorite combat system and the combination with final fantasy -> magic! Totally awesome congrats!
I live for the day I can make something like this by myself, till then I’ll walk the path of the noob So jealous!
Been learning UE4 in the past 18 months, released small games on mobile as a solo dev to fund bigger project for pc, and THIS is so inspiring. Thank You for your great work and wish you the best along the new road you’ve taken.
Your’e a true inspiration. This game looks amazing and i cant believe it was done single handed! I want to hear more about the development :D. Wish you the best in all the hard work yet to come ;).
You Inspire me bro… maybe i wanna make mine too… If you can, can you give me some advice where I can learn the basic to make RPG’s Game. Thank you.
如果我没记错,作者是个中国人对吧? 我是在a站还是b站看到过演示视频。 做的真是太棒了!能请教一些问题吗?
wana be you tester XD
Is that one man made game?
This is amazing, it is not only inspirational in that it shows what can be done with this engine, but even more so it is inspirational in that the sheer size, and all the little facets of a game like this for a single person is overwhelming, but to see that you have managed to do all this. I am astounded and more motivated than ever.
Thanks and I cant wait to see this game finished.
A truly awe inspiring accomplishment for a solo game developer project and we haven’t even seen the final game yet
I look forward to see how Lost Soul Aside progresses and will be watching the project closely
Also congratulations on receiving all the media attention Bing Yang, it is well deserved and also try to remember that you shouldn’t feel bad about using Unreal Marketplace Assets as they are there to help developers focus on what’s most important (gameplay, story, etc) + the true skills come in knowing what to do with them anyway
When is your release date for this game??? Everyone is like too much hyped to play this game, including me though. Hehehe… Pls do keep us posted with more videos and updates…
the glowing forest isnt tht from the advent children