Looks like something went wrong. For your protection, this transaction has been declined. Please try another card or other payment methods

Same here , we’re u able to fix it ?

i have same card same bank but no luck. if you found any solution do let me know

same here! I contacted my bank and they couldn’t see any transactions on their system. I will try restart my modem, maybe the issue is related something about my ip

Hello everybody. I had the same problem and tried nearly every method possible. And at the end I find a way. I attached another card, to my existing paypal account and that’s worked. So if you haven’t tried with paypal or don’t have a paypal account make one, use your own card first and if that’s still not working, use another card through your paypal account. I hope it will work.

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hey guys, so i had this same problem and the solution is to make a paypal and link it to your card, after that try with paypal and it’ll work!

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TWO YEARS and the problem is still there, WHAT the hell are you doing !!!

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any solved it?,. helpp

Also have the same issue as everyone else. Have not found a work around. Why is Epic not doing anything about this? You’d think they would want our money, no? Terrible service.

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any solution’?

I got the same problem and epic game support can’t do crap look like I’m gonna miss the “Star wars event”