Local wildcard nodes don't determine types

Whatever the type is, local wildcard variable and local wildcard array nodes don’t determine types and compiler throws an error:

The type of Variable is undetermined. Connect something to Local Wildcard to imply a specific type.

This happens if connect Variable pin first (assign node’s colors are changing)


And this if connect Value pin first and then a Variable pin


Both variants don’t work, but change color of Assign node pins. I tried this on 4.17 and 4.18: on both these nodes work only in macros from StandardMacros. It’s easily reproducable:

  1. Open Editor
  2. Create/Open any blueprint
  3. Create Local Wildcard and Assign nodes
  4. Connect Local Wildcard and Value of any type to Assign node
  5. Create and connect exec pins in macro and place macro in blueprint
  6. Click Compile


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Thanks for suggestion, I’ve reported the issue, but it seems to be corrected by someone (UE-55140), because 3rd step should’ve been something like:

“Create one Local Wildcard node, one Assign node any literal Node (or just any Node that has output pin).”

and 4th:

“Connect Local Wildcard to Variable and the other node to Value”

Maybe my explanation was vague - I don’t know English very well, but if you can, could you please attach the screenshot from this post to clarify the report?
