Listen Server, clients animations are jittery/laggy

Good good.

LP’s : Low ping (sub 60ms, <1% loss and jitter)
HP’s : High ping (> 100ms, >1% loss and jitter)… higher pings have higher loss and jitter.

Are the Autonomous characters laggy/jittery when moving or is it the simulated proxies that are that way?

If its the sims then you need to look into network smoothing. All CMC sim movement is interpolated and networked smoothed. How much is determined by many factors including the latency of the update… how old the move is.

LP’s will see HP sims warping and jittery. Montages and animations can be out of sync with the action. e.g. shooting while reloading etc. LP’s get less smoothing in their updates because they aren’t as old and they are more susceptible to corrections. Corrections can result in animation resets, interrupts etc and so forth.

HP’s will see sim proxies movement smoothed out and typically no warping/rubber banding.

More info… Character Movement Component | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation

Looking at the Low FPS side of things you’ll need to dive into the game thread and rendering thread pipeline.

In order to render a frame the CPU must send the GPU Drivers instructions on what to render…aka Draw Calls. These aren’t sent until the game thread has fully processed its current workload.

I’d definitely be doing some profiling before I jumped into code. Narrow it down a bit.

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