I got a little Problem here. As you can see i have a big Hall that needs to be lightened up but you see on the walls a weird kind of “Shadow” or “Stacking” that i dont know how to fix. As you can see in my BP i have 9 lamps at the ceiling and 9 on the bottom that kinda work as a “Reflect” because the ceiling would be unrealisticly dark otherwise. And the box is just like a Movement sensor to turn on the lights.
Help would be appreciated Thanks!!
To ‘light the ceiling’ have you tried using Emissive in the Material settings, maybe use a Parameter to adjust the brightness? You won’t need to light it.
You can also try using an Area Light, facing upwards to the ceiling. Make it just under the same size.
Honestly i didnt think of that thats actually really smart thank you but that only solved my problem partialy
Did you also setup a Area Light, facing the ceiling as well?
Also, with the emission material on the ceiling/prim, uncheck ‘cast shadow’.
You might want to use a IES profile on the light(s)
TDD_LED_1_40K_120_PE.ies (11.3 KB)
TDD_LED_2_50K_120_PER.ies (12.0 KB)
Here is a couple of many Area Light IES lighting profiles I have (nearly 37,000 of them).
If that works, I can zip up the hundreds of lighting IES profiles I have and drop a link here.
is a useful link.
Also, to see emissive outputs, you need to turn on Bloom in post processing.