I just updated to UE4.5 then to 4.5.1 in both programs lightmass crashes. In cryengine I don’t have to build light during development of my level lights feel so real has you build up the scene, but in unreal I have to build light every time I want to see my work and it’s slow. I’m so into unreal that I can’t change to another engine. How can I fix this bug? I reduced lightmap resolution but didn’t work. My system is fairly good to work with.
Lightmass will crash if you run out of memory on your computer. I can see that you’re using Landscape Mountains map and this is something that will happen on systems that are not running sufficient amount of memory. Lightmass can take a lot of memory to build that landscape mountains demo project. You can increase your virtual memory cache for Windows to see if this will help. While there are improvements that have been made to lightmass to decrease the amount of memory usage I’m not sure if you’ll be able to get a level that size to build lighting with only 8gb of Ram. Lightmass will depend on your memory available for builds. If the build exceeds that you will get the crash. The system I use has 32gb of ram and I’ve been able to crash Lightmass only by having a large enough map with a lot of static meshes that take memory usage.
Thanks Tim. I’ve to increase my ram then, but using Light Propagation Volumes and Ray Traced Distance Field is more promising for my system setup currently.
Those two options will work for a dynamically lit setup. However, Distance Field Soft Shadows will not work for casting shadows from the Landscape it self. The landscape can have shadows cast on it just find but the landscape will not cast. This should be added in the future but no specified timeline for that.
Also, with LPV it’s best to remember that it is a experimental feature at best. There are some known bugs with it.