I have a small scene, all made up of box brushes converted to static meshes. I have 1 static sky-light, and 1 stationary directional light. Every brush in the scene is set to static. When i generated lightmaps for the scene, the entire scene turns very dark and it seems like everything is in shadow. Every brush has 256 lightmap resolution, and changing this value does nothing.
Here is the scene using the in-editor Preview (Before Baking):
As you can see, clearly not working. Tbh, I’ve not had any luck with lightmaps at all for any scene. Maybe i’m doing something wrong…I hope so. Thank you for your time.
I decided to restart the Editor and Launcher. When I entered back into the Editor, everything was actually pure black. And no, shaders were not recompiling, it was simply black. Here is what it looked like:
Place a lightmass importance volume into the level that covers the meshes and then build again and see how it goes. If it’s still broken try in a new project.
Can you upload that project(assuming it doesnt have starter content for minimum file size!) to dropbox or googledrive so that we can take a look please?
Just an update here. When i create the scene using box static meshes, instead of creating it with bsp brushes and then converting them sto static meshes, everything appears to work. Here is the result:
As you can see, at least there is a shadow. It looks very weird though. In this picture, could the weird shadow be due to the large scaled up static mesh and no proper UV mapping (because it’s a built-in mesh)?
Increasing the Lightmap Resolution to 256 results in nice shadows. Here is the result:
I think the problem is solved. The issue appears to be that converting BSP brushes to static meshes breaks lightmap generation and therefor can not be used, Thank you so much for your help Jacky. How can I report an official bug?
Ok, looks like i missed something in your first post. I thought you had converted the brushes to static meshes, and since you hadnt done that 256 lightmap res was extremely low resolution. Smaller values means more resolution for BSP surfaces. Now i set the resolution of the meshe you provided to 512 and 1024(larger for the floor) since they are static meshes and the lighting builds just fine:
I didnt use a skylight so shadows are much darker than your scene.
EDIT: And dont forget to set lightmap UV channel to 1, it is set to 0 by default.
EDIT 2: Just re-read the posts and apparently you did convert them to static meshes(i got confused for a moment :D) So the problem seems to be wrong lightmap UV channel.
If i understand you correctly, you were able to render the test scene i gave you properly simply by changing the lightmap UV channel?
would you mind sending me a screenshot of how to change the lightmap UV channel? i see there are 2 options. source lightmap index and destination lightmap index. in those picures i have source index set to 0, and dest index set to 1.
Lightmap Coordinate Index is the correct name of the parameter. And of course, this depends on the UV channels of the mesh you are using. For instance, those meshes have properly laid out UV’s stored in channel 1 so it should be set to 1.
PERFECT!! Thank you so much for your help. Lightmap UV Coordinate index was the problem. Setting it to a value of 1 (the channel that had proper uv coordinates) did the trick. Marking your response as the answer.