I’m having some trouble with my lighting in UE 4.15
I have some objects that display weird lighting, and I can’t understand why…
This issue is this (detail lighting-view):
My lightmap looks like this:
The objects are split into seperate objects. They are modelled in Rhino, uv-mapped in Rhino, and then imported as a fbx. I have tried unwrapping the UV’s in blender, with the same result.
My lightmass-settings are in the image beneath here, and I don’t think it is an issue with quality-levels?:
And finally, i have this issue as well (detail lighting-view):
As you can see, the shadows are really bad, both around the railing, both also on the walls. This one I suspect have something to do with the pointlights? Because before I had them in my scene, i got smooth surfaces with lower lightmass-settings.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions, I have been working on these issues the last week, and I can’t figure it out.
Sorry, forgot the settings for the object itself:
I have tried importing one where I unwrapped the UV’s in Blender - still the same result.