Lighting with Lumen, ugly shadows


I am using Lumen and Dynamic Global Illumination, I have a SpotLight that is using Lumen for it’s ‘Intensity Units’ as well. No matter what I do, I get shadows like this, the first image looks okay but shadow scattering is visible on ceiling. I’m not sure what is causing this, thanks in advance for any help!


that’s normal. and it’s not intended to work like that. lumen cannot pickup small and too intense lightsources. the small circle on the floor is just not working like that. you gotta light your scene properly. then you can open threads and “complain” or “report” things.

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Thank you for your response and clarification on lighting, although you did come across annoyed. This is my first game I am working on, and lighting is new to me, so I’m sorry if I did frustrate you with my question but it wasn’t my intention.

this thing comes up alot. and regulars gotta explain it alot. repeatedly. you get my point of view. i’m kind annoyed, but not in a personal or bad way. don’t you worry. :slight_smile:

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