Lighting the whole scene the same

Hello together,
I have a question about lighting a Scene / World.
Is it possible to create a light that enlightens the whole world exactly the same? I want to have 1 light (f.e the directional Light) which lights up my whole scene everywhere the same. For example when im inside a Building i want everything to shine the same. Im not interested in realistic lighting and stuff i just want my whole world / scene to be enlighten everywhere the same so when im in a closed building it is still lit as if im outside. Is this even possible?
Best Regards,

Hello ISindra, i already disabled the shadows of my directional light, unfortunately to disable certain objects from being lighted is no option for me.
It should be some kind of “infinite light” :stuck_out_tongue:

You could set your materials to be Unlit, or, use a Sky Light that is set to not cast shadows.

when i set my materials / objects to unlit what happens? are they completely black then?

Can’t try this right now, but maybe you could disable the shadows on the light source itself. Of if you want to iluminate everything but still have shadows on some objects, just disable on the big objects and leave characters or other small stuff on. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

They will be whatever colour your textures are, without any shadows or highlight, however, you can draw the shadows into your textures in advanced if you like. When a material is set to unlit, it uses the Emissive input instead of Base Color.

Okay so I’ve tested around with the skylight which is giving me no ideal (yet) light setting but i think it could be done with skylight. Gotta read more into it, especially with cubemaps (right now the light always shines a bit blue’ish).

Next thing i tried is to set the scene to unlit after the game has started (simple console command) this is also a pretty nice option for now, but I could see problems coming when it comes to “depth” of a scene / building.

I will share an update tomorrow on how things going :slight_smile: Thanks for your help

Try to use skylight with custom cubemap.

Or use ambient cubemap in post process settings.

Update? Would love to know if you found a good solution.

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same what is the option for having an even light on the map?