Lighting scenarios and Volume Lighting Samples?


I have a scene setup like this:

*Master level

  • Static meshes with no lights

*Day sub-level

  • Only spotlights and a directional light

*Night sub-level

  • Only spotlights and point lights

I’m using VR, so the hands of the pawn are movable. Now since the Volume Lighting Samples are not generated for any of the sub-levels for some reason, the hands appear to be completely dark.
Is there a way to fix this problem.

If this cannot be rectified it makes the whole lighting scenarios feature useless, since it was primarily made for architectural visualizations (and that of course implies using VR as a means of showcasing).


Make sure the lights that you’re using in the Lighting Scenarios have their mobility set to Stationary or Static. You can have movable lights in them, but the real point of having Lighting Scenarios is to be able to use different lighting setups (day/night) with the same level geometry without having to duplicate the level for different lighting setups.

Make sure to use the Show > Visualize > Volume LIghitng Samples view mode to see what’s going on with the placed samples. If you see placed samples in your level, then the movable actor should be affected by the samples to blend it more readily into the environment. If the samples are darker the movable actor will not blend in a bright way, but instead be more dark to match the environment.

Also, check your mesh to make sure that the Indirect Lighting Quality Cache (ILCQ) is set to Point or Volume and NOT to ILCQ Off.

As far as Lighting Scenarios goes, these were not specifically made for architectural visualization. Its has many practical uses for games as well, even VR.

If you’re still having problems. Try setting up a brightly and darkly lit lighting scenario test level to rule out any other causes you may be having with why your mesh is not being lit the way you’d like. Use other Skeletal Meshes and Static Meshes that are set to Movable to test this as well to rule out issues.

I have done some extra tests and I found out that, if there are static meshes in the sub-level (the level that has the lights), then the lighting samples won’t be calculated for the master level (the root level that contains the light levels), but only for the sub-level. I’m sure that UE is not supposed to work like this, so this is a bug.

I’ve created a simple project so you can test it yourself. Also I’ve made a short video demonstrating this problem.
Here is the gdrive link with the project and video:

In the content browser you will find a folder named levels. In that folder open the Master_lvl and try to build the lighting. When the build completes, you will notice that there are no light samples computed. Now try to delete the cube and rebuild the lighting again. You will see that the lighting samples appear. This is because the cube is a part of the level named pointLight_lvl (which is a sub-level of the Master_lvl and contains only the pointlight and the cube).

In the video around 30sec you will see that the lighting samples appear. Then I add the cube in the sub-level pointLight_lvl and rebuild it again. At around 1:10 the light is computed and the light samples disappear (it won’t show in this project, but when I tested it in another project, the light samples were appearing only above the static mesh that was part of that sub-level).

Bump! Have you had a chance to look into this?

Anyone has an idea why this is happening?