So, I have a Persistent level and multiple streaming levels
Player can go through connector with dynamic lighting and this is where the streaming levels logic is being done, and everything looks good
But the problem is only when lighting scenario being loaded in
Freeze is too huge when applying lightmap to level
There is 4 lighting scenarios:
1 big map was divided to 2 parts, and while the electricity is off there is a switch between “Lighting_Off” scenarios, and the same with “Lighting_On”
Every transition in cutscene in “connector” is just breaking immersion
Didn’t find any solutions to fix, If meshes and other stuff can be splitted for multiple streaming levels, there can only be one lighting scenario in the world
Any Ideas?
One thing to check is whether the other lighting scenario is resident or not before making it visible. Unreal Insights can help confirm whether or not a load from disk is occurring.
If it isn’t, you can try to load the level without making it visible at some point before you switch. It’s been a while since I’ve used the sub level system, so I’m not 100% sure on the functions. From memory Open Stream Level can opt to not make the level visible. You should then be able to call that function again with the option to make visible set and hopefully the hitch is vastly reduced or removed.
Hi, thanks for the reply
I forgot to point out that logic seems fine because:
1 - I unload old geometry and lighting scenario
2 - Delay for 1.5 seconds(Only Persistent Level and “Connector” level are loaded)
3 - Loading new geometry
4 - Loading new lighting with Load Stream Level By Name, Make visible after load is set to false
5 - Waiting 1-2 seconds and setting “should be visible” to true
But maybe I am doing something wrong
I tried different ways, and when multiple Lighting scenarios are loaded but everything except necessary one is not visible, It feels like it works, but probably it hurts used memory a lot? And the reflections also break
Well, the main problem is actual moment of loading lighting scenario into memory
The engine is on the SSD, as are the project files, as well as the packaged project
This issue occurs no matter how the level was opened(PIE/Standalone/package)
I found a setting named “Async loading time limit” in [ Project - Streaming ]
Someone out there said that this makes loading streaming levels smooth, but slower
I tried it, and found no differences when it comes to load lighting scenario
Or maybe there is a possibility to somehow reduce the hitch from 5-10 seconds to at least 1-2
That’s a much more severe hitch than I’d been expecting. You might want to profile in Insights with asset loading enabled to find the exact cause. The channel name may have changed between 4 and 5, but I think it’s AssetLoadTime in 5.
Thanks, I’ll try that, but anyway the question is still relevant
I’m doing a Multicast where I switch the visibility of my “Powered” LightScenario which only contains the light, and to reduce the hitch I’ve moved all reflection captures to the LightScenario, but still players are experiencing a 0.5 to 1.0 sec hitch.
Is there a way to change the visibility of a LightScenario asynchronously? Otherwise I’ll need to keep this format which players are complaining.