Lighting Problems

Hello Everyone,

I have 2 problems which I think are related to each other.

I’m running UE4 Editor (4.2) on Mac OS X and I can’t seem to be able to build lighting. It just says that swarm failed to kick off. Now I researched forums and from my understanding swarm is windows only?! So how do I build lighting on MAC because I get “preview” shadows.

Second question is on why the light doesn’t properly bounce in my room? I have a room with several windows together with directional light. What I get is only lights in the shape of windows reflecting on the floor, no fill light in the room. what would be the problem with this?

I attached 2 screenshots with how the room looks like and what are the directional light settings.

Thank you very much.


Do you use binary build, or you built the engine/editor yourself?

Build it myself in Xcode from the code i got on GitHub!

OK, so this should solve the problem: Unreal Editor: "Light Build Failed. Swarm failed to kick off." OS X - Platform & Builds - Unreal Engine Forums

So how should I build the unreallightmass in Xcode? Is there some guidance provided for that kind of procedure?


Just switch to UnrealLightmass target in Xcode and build it. Make sure you build Debug if you use the editor in debug config and Development if you’re using editor in development config.

Great! that fixed the problem!! Thanks!!