I’m here because I have a lighting problem with the skylight. I tried to bake with the GPU Lightmass with and without the skylight, the skylight in static, it does nothing, you can’t see it, even with a high value (image 1). I tried to bake without the skylight and activate the skylight in stationary afterwards, I get a completely white scene (image 2), and lowering the intensity of the skylight doesn’t change anything, it still has the same effect. The problem isn’t with the light map or the objects, because I set it to 512, which worked at first, but not any more. I’ve tried removing the bake and activating the skylight, which normally works in stationary mode, but in static mode it doesn’t work anymore, no matter what intensity I set… (image 3) So I have no idea where it’s coming from or what I can do about it. Would you please know?
Of course I don’t have ray tracing, lumen, global illumination… and the lights are static, like all objects. and I’m in 5.3.2
Sorry, I wanted to send the images by embedding them, with the image button, but unfortunately I’m considered as “new user” so I can’t send more than 1 embedded image… so I put them in we transfer instead, it’s the only solution I found… and I wanted to send 4 links, 1 per image, but I can’t send more than 2 links, so I put everything in a zip with numbers for the images.
Lighting issues with GPU Lightmass and Skylight can sometimes be due to incorrect lightmap settings or exposure adjustments. Have you tried tweaking the Skylight intensity or rebuilding the lighting with different settings? Also, checking for overlapping UVs might help.
I tried to bake with the default settings, and to activate the skylight afterwards, but it still didn’t work, and I realized that even without baking the skylight in static didn’t work (whereas as you can see in the third image in stationary it works normally). And here are the parameters I’d set
I tried to modify all the parameters of the skylight but nothing made it work, I tried to look at the project settings in rendering, I saw nothing strange. I hope you will find the solution, it is a little my last hope, I asked in several discord but not much response and no solution…
I tried to create a new project to see if it did the same thing, but when I went into the project settings to deactivate Lumen, the Skylight deactivated itself, so I’d say it only works in static with Lumen, not with None, Screen Space or Standalone Ray Traced. Is this normal? Is this a bug? Is this where my problem is coming from?