Hello there, I’m a newbie with Unreal Engine and I’m having problems with the light part. Some parts are lit when it shouldn’t and it really destroys my environment and my patience… I’m really having a bad time with this, I have no idea how to solve this… (I’m following a tutorial and it looks like this atm Screenshot - d139c303097c12a5f725bc35eee7d146 - Gyazo the thing is that this tutorial doesn’t explain too much about lighting, everything is nearly by default, and thats why I don’t get why this one looks so good and realistic and mine is… well, is not looking as good)
As you can see in the gifs the lighting is really off and I really don’t know how to solve it, I tried to turn off the autoexposure, placing some reflections capture, lighmass volume… but nothing. The lighting of the scene is just composed by a skylight and a directional light
Directional light: Screen capture - 06bc7e794d63594562a9836dbb3b145d - Gyazo
Skylight: Screen capture - 97f032d1516455cd10018c927fd6629e - Gyazo