Lighting in level turns metal black

Hello Menelin,

I have ran into this in the past with Blender (never used substance), and the issue for me, was that I had not created the UVs inside of blender so they could be imported along with the mesh (even using the Smart UnWrap is fine). As well as, not Triangulating (this is not required, but I find that the mesh looks better) using the modifiers that blender has. Then finally to make sure all is well, have UE4 recompute the normals (Using the Mikk TSpace method).


  1. Edit mode in Blender, Select all (A key), then Smart Unwrap (U key)
  2. Export the object into FBX, (X forward, Z up)
  3. Then import into UE4, making sure that recompute nomals with Mikk TSpace selected.

When you are satisfied with the import, then go back, and do the triangulate, and re-import again. There is no need to mess around with all the extra faces/edges/verts that the triangulate will create, until you are totally satisfied with the mesh.

Hope this helps,

The image above shows a metal plate made in Blender & Substance Painter 2. In the preview on Substance Painter and the object preview in UE4, the plate looks normal, but in the in-game window the metal is completely blacked out. I’ve rebuilt lighting, rebuilt the the level, restarted UE4, changed the lighting and rebuilt it again. Not much changed. Anyone else have this problem before? How did you solve it?

It has a UV map and a light map already, but your answer gave me the idea to check my materials and it turns out the ambient occlusion was way off. After fixing AO up it was good to go.

Glad that you figured it out, I would not have thought of AO, as I tend to not do that.