Hey guys,
I was lighting up my scene (taking some tips from this video). My level looks fine in Day light but I plan on having night light as well. That means almost no indirect light. My scene is pretty simple. I have 2 types of ceiling fluorescent lamps mounted in all the rooms (They have emissive tubes). Now my question is which type of light I must use to have optimal performance (in terms of light complexity etc) but also have the scene well it enough since the player would roam around (because too many Rect lights are a bit performance intensive as of now).
Currently I tested a point light and a rect light and here are the screenshots.
I’m not a lighting artist but I know pointlights were approximately 4 times demanding than spotlights on UE4. Rect Lights even more but I might be wrong on this.
With Lumen (GI) you can try using a spotlight for each lamp paying attention not to overlap their affected areas too much. Then play around with the indirect light intensity to fill your scene with light even more.
Use “Light Complexity” view mode if you need a clear visual representation of your lights overlapping
Thanks. I was diagnosing with LightComplexityDebug as well and mostly its fine (its a bit green in some areas, rest are blue. And I’m anyways deciding to add a Day-Night cycle and have a system to toggle the lights off during day time to save performance)
I’m already using max indirect lighting with rect lights (trying to use 1 or 2 lights per room).
Yes, I noticed that point lights are a bit heavy but I haven’t thought of spot lights. I’ll try them out.